Vacation time is an important employee benefit that we should all utilize. Studies show that employees who take time off are more productive at work. So whether you have a company culture that encourages time off or not, it’s important to use the benefit for your sanity, productivity and overall mental health. There are some etiquette guidelines to follow to ensure approval and a fabulous vacation. I can picture the Mai-Tais on the beach as we speak!

Plan Ahead: Make sure you aren’t requesting time off when you don’t have the hours to spare, during an extremely busy season at work, or when you’re not caught up on projects.

Request in Advance: Try to make your request several weeks in advance. Find an appropriate time on your boss’ calendar, perhaps during your one-on-one, to discuss the request.

Put it in Writing: After you received verbal approval, it’s always a great idea to formalize the request in writing via email or your online request system.

Sick Time is for Sick People:
Sick time should be reserved for days you aren’t feeling well (mental health days count!) So it wouldn’t be appropriate to request time off well in advance and use sick days to cover the time off. If you don’t have enough vacation time, reconsider your request or potentially explore the option of taking off without pay.

Have a Plan: Make sure important deadlines and deliverables aren’t falling through the crack during your vacation. Create a coverage plan, and get the ok from your boss before you leave.

*Bonus Tip: Send out an out of office calendar invite to your boss and key stakeholders a few weeks before you head on vacation so everyone on your team is on the same page.

Have any other vacation request questions we haven’t covered? Ask below!


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